1.3 – Single note riffs

1.3 – Single note riffs

Now that you can read tablature, you’re ready to learn some riffs! Many guitar riffs can be performed just playing one note at a time, so let’s look at a few classics.
One of the most iconic guitar riffs of all time, Smoke on the Water is instantly recognisable. From the tab you can see that that all of the notes used in this riff are located on the low E string; we’ll be playing the string open, and at the third, fifth and sixth frets.

I recommend using the first finger of your left hand for the third fret, your third finger for the fifth fret, and your fourth finger for the sixth fret. You might be tempted to play all of these notes with your stronger first and second fingers, but it’s important to build up the strength and coordination in all four fingers at the same rate.

Moving on to three strings, Sunshine of Your Love is another hugely famous riff which incorporates the A and D strings. For this one, try using your third finger on the second fret of the D string, your second finger on the second fret of the A string, first finger on the the first fret of the A string, and your fourth finger for the third fret of the E string.

Although it may seem over-complicated to use all four fingers for a relatively straightforward riff, coordinating all four of your fingers will be necessary when we move on to playing chords, so we’d may as well start now!
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